
Urea fittings

The production of  Urea Fertilizer involves components and processes which are highly corrosive and that will put to an extreme test the materials used.

The production process is dangerous as it involves high potential risk of explosion and fire. For these reasons the components used in these plants have to respect strict parameters of quality and have to be rigidly conformed to technical specifications of the licensors.

Above reasons are at a basis of a though control of suppliers from licensors and from the limited number of companies operating in the sector.

Urea plants are usually designed and built according to specifications issued by licensors. Well- known licensors such as Saipem, Stamicarbon, Toyo, Casale, Tecnimont and others, also define the criteria according to which the stainless steel parts should be furnished, especially for the high pressure sections.

La Meccanica Padana has been active in this sector from the beginning and has decades of experience and a well established reputation.

Our production range includes:

  • Lens Gasket
  • Lens Gasket (with one or two branches)
  • Nozzles
  • Weldolets, threadolets, nipolets
  • Forged tee
  • Thermowells
  • Ferrule
  • Bolts and nuts

Materials supplied are:

  • A182 F316LM U.G.
  • 25.22.2 / 1.4466 / F310Mo LN
  • Titanium

Find here our finished products stock list.

In order to be compliant to international specifications and to supply a product of excellence, La Meccanica Padana only buy high quality raw material from approved and well know suppliers (Italy and West Europe only), respect the traceability of material and the need of not contaminating it during the whole production process.

La Meccanica Padana carries out a strict control on materials performing Non Destructive Tests (e.g. Ultrasonic Test, Penetrant Test, Ferrite Check) and Destructive Tests (corrosion test done by external approved laboratories). All machined material is then visual and dimensional inspected by internal personnel or third parties.

With the same process and procedure, we machine assembled components in Urea Grade materials using approved welding qualifications and qualified welders. Welds are 100% radiographic tested and the welded equipment is Hydrostatic tested.

As a consequence of La Meccanica Padana specialization in the Fertilizer sector, some Licensors have enabled the company to stock finished products and raw material already tested according different specifications.

This stock represents a high value for the clients as it allows a drastically reduction of lead time, often very long because of the tests to perform on material.

See all our urea products in the attached Pdf below!

  • Lens Gasket

    Lens Gasket

    Lens Gasket can be produced in 316L Mod UG, 25-22-2 and Titanium and they are used in between nozzles and flanges. See our list of Lens Gasket on stock
  • Flanges

    Flanges in according to TB.5002

    Flanges can be produced in 316L Mod UG, 25-22-2 and carbon steel in accordance to Saipem TB5002 dimensional standard.
  • O'Lets


    O'lets can be produced in 316L Mod UG and 25.22.2 in accordance to Saipem TB5002 dimensional standard
  • Nozzles


    Nozzles can be produced in 316L Mod UG, 25.22.2. We have a stock of finished products.
  • Tees


    Tees can be produced in 316L Mod UG, 25-22-2. We are usually producing them in accordance to Saipem TB5002 dimensional standard
  • Cap, Plug and Thermowell

    Cap, Plug and Thermowell

    Cap Plug and Thermowell are produced in 316L Mod UG and in 25.22.2.
  • Kit

    Kit urea fittings

    Kit Urea Fittings are produced in 316L Mod UG, 25.22.2 and carbon steel.
  • UREA Section
    Products for Urea applications
    Published on:11/18/2008
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