Guaranteeing the highest standard of service and product quality is an essential company value for La Meccanica Padana.
Our commitment to quality starts with a careful selection of raw materials and is guaranteed at every stage of production right up to packaging thanks to continuous and accurate checks.
Our qualified personnel perform: non-destructive, visual/dimensional, PMI, ferrite check control and hydrostatic tests. We outsource mechanical tests, corrosion tests and metallographic analyses to the most reputable laboratories. We only use Accredia-qualified laboratories ilac-MRA-UNI-CEI-EN-ISO/IEC 17025.
Our quality management system is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 by TUV Italy.
In March 2021 we have obtained also EN 9100:2018 Certificate which enables us to manufacture carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, titanium and special alloys products for Aerospace Sector.
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